Honest Tips, Tricks and Hacks for a Positively Frugal Lifestyle

Hi there! I’m Sarah – a fanatic saver, occasional coupon clipper and a firm believer that being frugal leads to a fuller life.
My money mindset shifted to a Positively Frugal approach when my husband and I set an outlandish goal in 2010. In the middle of our careers, we decided we wanted to walk away from our corporate jobs and travel the world. Our big goal required big changes. We saved, we scrimped and, in 2014, we set off on our journey.
As budget travelers, we honed our frugal skillset – and learned how to live more on less.
You can read more about how becoming Positively Frugal changed our lives on our About page. If you are ready to start your own frugal living journey, we can help you start right now!
Learn how to set your goals and create a Budget, find Frugal Eating advice or use our tips for adapting to a thrifty Lifestyle.